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Consumption goods in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2020-12-14Updated:2020-12-14
Similar words: consumptiongas consumptionconspicuous consumptionconsumption functionpower consumptiondaily consumptioncapital consumptionper capita consumption
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(1) Taxes were cut for some consumption goods.
(2) Producer prices for consumption goods rose by by 4.9%, out of which food prices rose by by 11.0%.
(3) Ni sees a lot of potential in the consumption goods import business as Chinese preferences become more international.
(4) Consumption is people's exhaustion and enjoyment of consumption goods to satisfy their personal demands and the right of disposition and usufruct .
(5) What people do not spend consumption goods they save: income minus consumption equals savings.
(6) It's the amount that people spend on consumption goods, things that you buy for your current use, like food, shelter, clothing, etc.
(7) What people do not spend on consumption goods they save: income minus consumption equals savings.
(8) Functional Model of seven kinds of consumption goods expenditure with the variable of income can assess the relative supply efficiency of rural public products.
(9) Unless consumption goods are costlessly storable, which they aren't , I do not think so.
(10) As long as demand for consumption goods is weak, sales will slow after inventories are restocked and worn-out durable goods are replaced.
(11) Moreover, imbalances arose within the economy as a whole, in particular between consumption goods and capital goods.
(12) From the perspective of economic analysis[], children are high-priced consumption goods that are rapidly becoming more expensive.
(13) If the goods are used by the commissioning party for continuous production of taxable consumption goods, the paid taxes shall be credited according to the relevant provisions.
(14) It excludes one case even in the field of consumption goods.
(15) They evaluate past stimulus programs by whether people who got stimulus money spent it on consumption goods rather save it.
(16) A common characteristic of the four elements is their close relation to market including factor market, market of final consumption goods and market of intermediate input products.
(17) If the taxpayer fails to do so or sells taxable consumption goods of different consumption tax rates as a complete set, the tax rate of the goods whose rate is higher shall be applied.
(18) On the one hand, an increase in real wages should motivate more work effort since the price of consumption goods in terms of forgone leisure has fallen.
(19) Electrochemical analysis of French a high-end products, its manipulation of simple, accurate and reliable detection result, such products daily consumption goods cheap, to large hospital like.
(20) At the beginning of the week the individual possesses a stock of consumption goods.
(21) In recent years market of Russian Far East has changed, the supply situation of consumption goods has evidently improved, but to a greater extent the market flourishing is reflected by import goods.
(22) In our market-oriented society characterized by labor division, to gain consumption goods is associated with the exchange of the products.
More similar words: consumptiongas consumptionconspicuous consumptionconsumption functionpower consumptiondaily consumptioncapital consumptionper capita consumptionmaterial consumptionconsumptiveconsumer goodssumptionassumptionresumptionsubsumptionpresumptionbasic assumptionassumption of riskdefault assumptionconsummationin good conditionon the assumption thatconsumer educationgumptionconsumer protection lawgoods on consignmentrun goodsresumptiveassumptivepresumptive
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